4 Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

March 10, 2022

person with porcelain veneers smiling

Veneers are shells made from dental-grade porcelain that cover the entire front surface of the chosen teeth to cover up cosmetic issues. They are incredibly thin, which allows them to seamlessly blend with the rest of your pearly whites to give you a more uniform and aesthetically appealing smile. They require permanent alterations to your teeth, so read on to learn about four benefits of porcelain veneers to determine if they’re the right option for you.

Benefit #1: Simple Procedure

To make sure that your veneers properly adhere to your smile and don’t stick out from your untreated teeth, your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel. They will then take impressions and send them off to a dental lab so your veneers can be made. You will be fitted with temporary veneers to protect your smile from harm and keep your teeth from looking odd while you wait. Once your dentist receives your permanent veneers from the dental lab, they will have you come back in so they can complete the look of your smile.

Benefit #2: Durable and Long-Lasting

On average, porcelain veneers last around 15 years before they need to be replaced. This depends heavily on how well you care for them. To make sure that your new smile lasts as long as possible, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth twice each day for two minutes. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent enamel or veneer damage and fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your pearly whites against cavities. Additionally, floss at least once per day so you don’t develop cavities between your teeth. It’s best to do this after dinner so you can remove any food particles or plaque that’s accumulated throughout the day.

Benefit #3: Fix Minor Cosmetic Issues

Since porcelain veneers cover the entire front surface of the teeth, this means that they can mask a variety of cosmetic smile issues, such as:

  • Minor alignment issues
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Cracks or chips
  • Small gaps
  • Stains

Benefit #4: Protecting Damaged Teeth

Over time, the protective enamel on your teeth will begin to wear down. Consuming too many acidic or sweet things and bruxism, which involves jaw clenching and teeth grinding, can also cause premature enamel wear. This can cause your teeth to be more sensitive to changes in temperature and can also make you more likely to develop cavities. Veneers create a protective barrier to shield your pearly whites from harm.

As you can see, there are a range of benefits of porcelain veneers that will help improve your pearly whites. If you think they’re the right option for you, set up a consultation with your dentist so you can be on your way to a more beautiful smile!

About the Practice

White Peak Dental is passionate about providing patients with the exceptional oral health care they need to maintain healthy, happy smiles. They offer a range of exceptional oral health services, including cosmetic options like porcelain veneers. These sturdy porcelain shells can cover up issues with your pearly whites to give you the beautiful beam you’ve always wanted! Are you ready to set up an appointment with White Peak Dental or do you want more information about the benefits of porcelain veneers? If so, visit White Peak Dental’s website or call their office at (801) 293-1234 to get started.