Dental Crown vs. Fillings: Which One is Right for You?

April 23, 2024

patient smiling while looking in dental mirror

Enamel, the protective outer layer of teeth, cannot heal itself once damaged. Therefore, seeking professional dental care is incredibly important to restore broken or decayed teeth. After examining the tooth, dentists often recommend either a filling or a dental crown based on the extent of damage and the patient’s oral health needs. Continue reading to learn more about the differences between each type of restoration.

Understanding Dental Crowns and Fillings

Fillings are commonly used to replace missing tooth structures caused by decay or damage. The materials for fillings have evolved, with many dentists now preferring composite resin for its ability to closely mimic the appearance of natural enamel. This material offers both durability and aesthetic benefits, blending seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.

On the other hand, dental crowns (also known as caps) are designed to cover damaged teeth entirely. They provide comprehensive protection against further harm while reinforcing the structural integrity of the tooth. Porcelain crowns offer the added advantage of customization, allowing them to be personalized to match the color and shape of the patient’s natural teeth.

When to Get a Dental Crown or Filling

Not sure whether you should get a dental crown or a filling? Here are some things to consider:

Dental Crown

Crowns are reserved for situations where a filling alone would be insufficient to repair the damage. They are commonly used for teeth that are severely cracked, weakened, or structurally compromised. Additionally, dental crowns can serve as a cosmetic solution for teeth that are discolored, misshapen, or have undergone significant restoration.


Fillings are typically recommended for minor tooth damage, such as small cavities or superficial decay. If the tooth is not cracked and the damage is confined to a small area, a filling can effectively restore its function and appearance.

How to Choose the Right One for You

The decision between a filling and a dental crown depends on various factors, including the extent and nature of the tooth damage, the patient’s oral health history, and their aesthetic preferences. It’s essential to consult a dentist for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized recommendation. Dentists have the expertise to assess the condition of the tooth accurately and determine the most suitable treatment option to ensure optimal outcomes for the patient.

About the Author

If you need a dental crown or filling, look no further than Dr. JD Hansen! He’s a compassionate and highly skilled dentist dedicated to restoring smiles and improving oral health. With a dental doctorate from the University of Louisville and specialized training in various dental procedures, he’s committed to providing exceptional care to his patients. Schedule an appointment by calling (801) 683-6698 or visit his website!