Do My Veneers Need Replacing? – 3 Signs to Look Out For

August 8, 2022

Cosmetic dentist helping patient with replacing veneers

Veneers are an ideal solution for those with several imperfections throughout their smile, whether it’s chips, cracks, gaps, or permanent stains that no amount of whitening seems to fix. With that said, veneers are just like any other dental restoration, meaning they will need replacement eventually. According to a cosmetic dentist, these are the three most common signs that you should schedule an appointment for replacing veneers.

The Veneer is Getting Darker

In order to keep the veneers secured against your teeth, dentists use a bonding material known as dental cement. This material can begin to naturally darken over time. Since veneers are designed to be translucent in order to look natural, the material can become more noticeable in your smile. Most people tend to worry when they see this and confuse it with decay or another dental problem.

In reality, the cement simply needs to be replaced as well as the veneer. The veneer cannot be salvaged once it has already been bonded with cement, which is why a replacement veneer is required to maintain your appearance and ensure the cement is no longer visible.

Stains No Longer Lift from the Veneer

Foods and drinks can stain both natural teeth and veneers, although teeth are generally more susceptible to staining compared to porcelain. For example, if you drink quite a lot of coffee, cola, red wine, or eat many acidic foods, stains can be left behind. The unfortunate reality about veneers (and all dental restorations for that matter) is that they cannot be whitened. The only way to remove stains from veneers it to brush them thoroughly every day. If your stains do not appear to be lifting even with the strictest oral care regimen, it may be time to replace them. Visiting the dentist for an exam will help you confirm if this is the case.

Your Veneer is Looking Rough Around the Edges

You may start to notice your veneers feeling rough around the edges over time, which is a common side effect of regular use. As you eat and chew food, they can not only become rough, but eventually lose their shape. Additionally, this can lead to cracks or chips in the veneer. If you run your tongue along your veneers and notice they feel rough, get them examined by a dentist so you can confirm if they need replacement.

If you want your smile to look its best, you’ll need to take proper care of your veneers. While good habits can protect their longevity, you’ll need to think about veneer replacement eventually!

About the Author

Dr. Hansen holds advanced training in cosmetic dentistry and takes the time to carefully craft veneers so they blend in naturally with your existing teeth. If you are ever unsure if your veneers require replacements or you have other cosmetic enhancements you’d like to make about your smile, you can give his office a call by contacting him through his website.