Sedation Dentistry Cottonwood Heights

Visiting the Dentist Doesn’t Have to Be Unbearable

Dental anxiety and fear can play a large role in whether or not you pick up the phone to schedule an important treatment or your routine checkup and cleaning. At White Peak Dental, we understand how distressing visiting the dentist can be if you’ve had a bad experience or are overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the office. That’s why we offer multiple different methods of dental sedation in Cottonwood Heights. If you feel you could benefit from any of them, call our office before your visit.

Why Choose White Peak Dental for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • A Welcoming & Friendly Dentist & Team
  • We Accept & Maximize Dental Insurance
  • Honest, Pressure-Free Dentistry for All Ages

Oral Conscious Sedation

Relaxed woman in dental chair

Oral conscious sedation is administered in the form of a single pill that you will take before your visit. Typically, this medication is in the diazepam family, like Valium or Halcion. Within about 30 minutes after taking it, you’ll begin to feel the effects kick in. At this time, we’ll get you comfortable in the treatment chair and start your procedure or cleaning. You’ll remain conscious during the entire process, but you may feel sleepy or groggy afterward, remembering a few details from the actual appointment.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Man in grey shirt holding pill and glass of water

Nitrous oxide sedation is administered in our office by our dental team. We’ll place a small mask over your nose that will allow you to breathe in a colorless, odorless gas. The effects will kick in nearly immediately, putting your body and mind at ease. Our team will be monitoring you throughout your appointment, and once your treatment is complete, we’ll have you breathe in oxygen to help flush the effects from your system. Within just a few minutes, you’ll feel back to your normal self and ready to tackle the rest of your day.

IV Sedation

Woman having mask placed over nose for dental sedation

IV sedation is the strongest method we offer, as it involves administering the medication directly into the bloodstream for a near-immediate effect. We typically recommend it for patients who have severe dental phobia or who are undergoing a more extensive and lengthy procedure, as the effects are greater and last longer. Because the sedation won’t wear off for several hours, you’ll need to be prepared to have someone ready to drop you off and pick you up from our office.